Saturday, July 21, 2012

Digital Healthcare Enterprise • Concept & Requirements • PART III

1# Digital Healthcare Enterprise • Concept & Requirements • PART III.

VDO of Digital Healthcare Enterprise • Concept & Requirements • PART III

After we tend to got the information about Health Care Management Description ago VDO, we are going to examine the Digital Healthcare Enterprise • Concept & Requirements • PART III. I urge everyone to use judgment in the audience. A recent survey found that I have stumble upon Digital Healthcare Enterprise • Concept & Requirements • PART III. I saw that it was necessary for them to be revealed. If any errors. I apologize. If you do not want to publish VDO. i'm happy to be here. Thanks for a good VDO. redirected here Digital Healthcare Enterprise • Concept & Requirements • PART III Tube. Duration : 12.42 Mins. • Herman Oosterwijk, President of OTECH, Inc., presents Part III of a seminar on Digital Healthcare Enterprise Concept & Requirements. One of the major differentiators between a healthcare enterprise management system and just "any" archive is the fact that these are classified and regulated by the FDA. The FDA considers these medical devices and make them subject to registration and require a thorough quality management system to be in place to protect patients from potentially being harmed. A key requirement is also the scalability as the number of images to be managed seem to grow exponentially. Last but not least is the requirement of lifecycle management. PART I: Introduction & Core PART II: Architecture & Requirements PART III: FDA Requirements & Life Cycle Management PART IV: Redundancy & Security
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