Sunday, July 8, 2012

Health@Google Series: Hair Loss and Hair Restoration

#The Best Health@Google Series: Hair Loss and Hair Restoration. Advertisements

Good VDO of Health@Google Series: Hair Loss and Hair Restoration

Not in the past, I presented the story. Useful. today i am happy to gift Video on Health Care Management Programs. i need it to dam my sisters. and the public. information that's helpful. together with your friends. Health@Google Series: Hair Loss and Hair Restoration, that I have seen this as an impressive contribution. VDO is the information. The End. Judgment within the read. Health@Google Series: Hair Loss and Hair Restoration Video Clips. Duration : 56.12 Mins.

Health@Google Series Hair Loss and Hair Restoration March 16, 2011 Presented by Dr. William Rassman. Dr. Rassman will present on: 1. Causes of hair loss in men and women (genetics, diseases, hair plucking) -What is hair and is it alive? -What you can do about holding on to our hair -Do you have control of your hair loss? Is it genetic? 2. Genetic pattern thinning 3. Hair systems (wigs, extensions, wefts) 4. The use of concealers to create more fullness Treatments include: * medication (value, side effects) * minoxidil * finasteride * hair transplantation * history * ethics in the field * a surgical procedure * breakthroughs (follicular unit transplantation, FUE) * Hair multiplication and cloning (status today) * Patients will be present to discuss their experience with a hair transplant and will have their before pictures to share * Pigmentation to scalp (life style decision) * One or two patients will be present to discuss their decision to get a 'clean shaven style' and to shave their head. Dr. Rassman will bring: * Two or three patients with him for interactive opportunities to show hair transplant results and to demonstrate a clean shaven style with micropigmentation application * examples of products for hair loss concealment * examples of inventions in medical devices for hair transplantation * example of a wig/hair system donated by a patient who elected pigmentation for himself Bio: Dr. William Rassman is a surgeon, entrepreneur, innovator, and inventor. His ...
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