Saturday, July 14, 2012

Fired CA Staff Attorney Kathy Carroll Exposes Corruption, Nepotism & Bullying At CTC

#The Best Fired CA Staff Attorney Kathy Carroll Exposes Corruption, Nepotism & Bullying At CTC.

Good VDO of Fired CA Staff Attorney Kathy Carroll Exposes Corruption, Nepotism & Bullying At CTC

Not earlier, I presented the story. Useful. these days i'm happy to gift Video on Health Care Management Programs. i need it to dam my sisters. and the public. information that is useful. along with your friends. Fired CA Staff Attorney Kathy Carroll Exposes Corruption, Nepotism & Bullying At CTC, which I have seen this as an outstanding contribution. VDO is that the knowledge. The End. Judgment in the read. Fired CA Staff Attorney Kathy Carroll Exposes Corruption, Nepotism & Bullying At CTC Tube. Duration : 19.58 Mins.

The California Commission on Teacher Credentials staff attorney Kathy Carroll was terminated after she reported systemic corruption, nepotism, cronyism and terrorism against state workers in the agency. In this video, she reported this to a California Joint Legislative hearing on 510/201. After her testimony, she received no assurance at the hearing that she would be protected and her healthcare would be taken care of which is critical for a heart transplant patient. This California Joint Legislative Committee members in fact did not have one question for her despite her critical testimony about the systemic corrupt activities of the Commission and the massive cover-up. Also California State Senate leader Darrell Steinberg boycotted this hearing on how the California State government is working. Her testimony also exposed the use of the CTC management to push privatization of the public education system. Using public funds, tens of millions of dollars were given by the management of this commission to their personal conspirators to set up privatized education operations in California. Carroll has now lost her job and has no healthcare insurance as a result of being a whistleblower and going public. Contact California Attorney General Kamala Harris to demand an criminal investigation and prosecution of the corrupt management of this agency. Phone 916-322-3360/800-952-5225 Also contact Senate Senate Leader Darrell Steinberg by contacting his District Director Susan McKee's ...
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