Sunday, July 22, 2012




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Tom speaks to his experience in the 'real world', including management of the Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC). Tom began his work career at the age of eleven when he took responsibility for the bookkeeping and banking of a six-figure batting cage and training facility. In exchange for his work Tom was given free batting time and lessons. At 13 Tom was already traveling the country, spending time in numerous States as he advanced his educational and work career. While in Florida Tom spent time with a church deacon that also provided guidance regarding excellence in life and overcoming life's challenges. Tom addresses unrehearsed questions from the audience. Tom speaks to the responsibilities he has had and distortions that has no personal experience 'balancing check books, paying rent, buying food, etc. In fact, Tom was paying almost one thousand dollars rent every month! Think about the money being thrown down the drain...In 2010 Tom was approved for a home loan but decided not to purchase the home as he recognized doing so would be fiscally irresponsible- Since 2010, homes prices have continued to drop. Tom MADE THE DECISION to return to Missouri in spite of employment opportunities in other States. Tom came home to help the family on the farm and to help his community battle insidious, Progressive-pseudo-Libertarian factions infiltrating then destroying Republican organizations across our nation.
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