Sunday, July 22, 2012

Event: Community Health Data Initiative Launched (06/02/2010)

1# Event: Community Health Data Initiative Launched (06/02/2010).

VDO of Event: Community Health Data Initiative Launched (06/02/2010)

Event: Community Health Data Initiative Launched (06/02/2010) Tube. Duration : 129.87 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from her latest blog What Is Health Care Management. The Community Health Data Initiative is launched in a Forum at the Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC - June 2, 2010. Under the initiative, HHS health data will be made freely available so that software developers can create innovative applications and make the data more useful for consumers and communities. At the event, Secretary Sebelius explains the initiative, and early developers demonstrated their new applications. See more at the HHS OpenGov website. We accept comments according to our comment policy US Department of Health & Human Services
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